Why Practicing Self-Care Equals Success In Your Business

Image of the blog title, Why Practicing Self Care Equals Success in Your Business

By: Kathleen Ries-Jubenville   |    Read time: 3 minutes

When I started my first business, I had a newborn son and a 7-year-old daughter. It was a lot to juggle! Late night feeding and earaches and school functions weaved among client meetings and deadlines and lead generation and sales calls. Oh yeah, and family plans and friends and church and car repairs and bill paying. My personal care was not even on the list!
Maybe you can relate. Are you worn out, your patience wearing thin?
I want you to hear me now:
It's normal! It's ok. You are an amazing business owner, mom/dad, wife/husband, daughter/son, aunt/uncle, friend, and/or pet owner! And, you are only human.
For what it's worth, I'm proud of you.
I know how hard you work. I know how hard you try. I know you are doing your best. I want you to know...it is enough!

The most important first step to self-care is to give yourself GRACE. You will make mistakes. You will learn hard lessons. You will feel foolish sometimes. You will feel like giving up. Please know that this is a normal part of leading a businessWhen you occasionally feel disappointed or unsure or frustrated, it's because you have stepped out in courage and are experiencing personal growth! Grace should calm your inner critic.
The second step to self-care is to give yourself COMFORT. Let someone else watch the kids for an hour or two. Go in your room & lock the door, crawl into bed, hug a pillow, and maybe cry. And nap, if you want to. Stay off your phone. This is not the time to check emails, reply to texts, read the feed, or check the news. But you could watch a sitcom, listen to upbeat music, or take a walk. Comfort should lift your spirits!



The final step is to take a little time to PLAN. Journal about your feelings and the situation. What is going on that is frustrating you? What are the challenges you are facing? What has worked for you in the past? What is going well right now? Take that information to come up with a plan of action. Perhaps it's a new mini-habit you are going to try, such as going to bed earlier each night. Or maybe it's just the next step to take for your business when you get back to your desk. Planning should affirm agency over your life and help you feel more in control.
People talk all the time about self-care being about manicures or baths with candles or bottles of wine, but these are all band-aids that don't address the real emotions of guilt and fear and exhaustion we experience as parents and as business owners.
When you have given yourself the gifts of grace, comfort, and planning, activities such as a manicure, bath, and glass of wine will be celebrations for how far you've come and how many blessings you have to enjoy today and in the future.
If you feel inspired to take your business to the next level, check out my business coaching programs HERE! If you enjoyed this blog post, make sure to pin it to your Pinterest Self-Care Board for later. Connect with me on Social Media too!


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