Values of a Fearless Climber: Faith

By: Kathleen Ries-Jubenville | Read time: 3 minutes
Grow a Pair of Antlers: The Fearless Climb to Lead Your Herd
A Fearless Climber is a passionate visionary whose intentional purpose is to enhance other people's lives. S/he takes courageous actions to foster dignity for others through inspiration and opportunity. S/he is an influential leader who promotes love, respect, grace, and hope.
I am a Christian. This means I believe Jesus Christ is the living son of God
who came to earth and died to reconnect imperfect humans with our perfect
father. I also believe he rose from the dead to prove to us our souls have
eternal meaning and purpose beyond our brief time here on earth. Why do I
state my faith to you in this book? Because it empowers me to believe I
have a loving God on my side who will help me fight the battle against fear
in my mind and I believe faith can do the same for you.
Hope gives me energy and enthusiasm to get up every morning to
encourage and support other people as we share this adventure of life
together. I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I also want to make it clear
I do not consider myself perfect. In fact, Christian faith is built on the
heartfelt repentance of our mistakes and the acceptance of God’s
unconditional gift of love and grace. All faiths, Christianity is no exception,
get distorted by self-aggrandizing politicians and religious leaders and other
judgmental hypocrites. I encourage you to look past your cynicism caused
by these twisters of truth and take some time to explore the original
testimonies of Jesus’ life, words, and values. If God exists, you will have
spent your time in no better way. God promises if you seek him with an
open heart, you will find him.
The New Testament of the Holy Bible describes in detail the life of
Jesus Christ. You may know that his death on the cross (a common Roman
form of execution at the time) was a propaganda ploy by power-hungry,
religious leaders because Jesus was speaking out against their hypocrisy. He
was angry those leaders were obfuscating religion for their personal gain
and preventing people from enjoying an authentic relationship with God.
Multiple eyewitness accounts describe how much Jesus loved and valued
every person. He even called it the greatest command to love God and love
each other.
Surprisingly, a story about Jesus’ followers - his disciples - had the
biggest influence on my belief in his story of death and resurrection. The
people around Jesus were terrified when he was arrested prior to his
execution. They denied knowing him, ran away, and hid in fear. I would
have done the same. But the story takes an incredible twist. It says Jesus
rose from his grave three days after he died. It states he visited with the
disciples for forty days. He proved his identity to them by showing the
holes in his hands and his feet where they had been pierced by the nails that
pinned him to the cross. This all sounds absolutely crazy to me. But the
next part of the story convinced me to take it seriously and consider the
possibility that it was true. The disciples didn’t hide anymore after Jesus
ascended into Heaven. They courageously travelled to many countries to
proclaim the good news of eternal life and were often imprisoned and/or
executed as a result. They weren’t afraid of death anymore! I don’t know
about you, but I would have stayed hidden in a locked room to avoid
execution. I’m a little nervous to share my faith so boldly in this book and I
don’t even have to worry about imprisonment or death. I sincerely believe
Jesus’ followers personally witnessed life after death. I’m just asking you to
consider the possibility of a God who loves you so much he would send his
only son to give you a message of eternal meaning and hope.
I am sharing this with you because God says in the Bible he will leave
the 99 sheep to find the lost one. You may be the lost sheep he finds today.
He wants you to know He loves you and you are worthy.
God has given you free will to accept or reject His gifts of love and hope.
You can tell God you believe in Him and accept forgiveness through
Christ right now.
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