The Holiday Gift Guide Any Small Business Owner is Sure to Love

By: Kathleen Ries-Jubenville | Read time: 4 minutes
The holidays are just around the corner which means it is time to start shopping for gifts for our family and friends! I put together a list of gift ideas for the small business owner in your life. These are items I enjoy, so I thought they might enjoy them too. Some of them also help me solve problems, like feeling stiff from sitting at my desk for too many hours or struggling with motivation. Here are 8 great gift ideas for you. Hope it makes your holiday shopping a little easier!
1. Apple Watch: I love my Apple Watch because I can setup a variety of apps to help me manage my life. It can track my activity and remind me to breathe and stand throughout the day. I also get notified of incoming calls and texts so I can discretely glance down at them when I'm in a meeting. This was especially helpful when my kids were younger so I could feel at ease knowing I wouldn't miss any emergency calls from the school. And, when I'm driving, it can tap my wrist when I'm closing in on my next turn.
2. Ring light: I think every business owner needs a ring light for their desk now. Between shooting videos for social media and jumping into a Zoom meeting, we all need to look our best. Good lighting shows we are professional and helps the viewers feel more engaged and connected with us.
3. Standing desk: Computers have helped turn us into sedentary creatures. I get stiff and achy when I sit for 6, 8, or 10 hours a day in my desk chair. My standing desk allows me to stretch and boosts my energy. And when I'm speaking to camera, the listeners can "feel" more enthusiasm and projection in my voice.
4. Yoga mat: Even after standing throughout the day, my muscles in my neck and lower back and legs can get stiff. A yoga mat is a quick way to get on the floor and stretch and do a few poses to get the blood pumping and my body moving again. I have a few yoga poses memorized that just take 5-10 minutes to run through for quick, refreshing breaks between meetings.
5. Moleskin journal: Business owners are always coming up with new ideas and many believe in the power of affirmations and visualization. Yes, we can jot down our ideas and dreams in apps on our phone, but that doesn't compare to the joy of writing it all down in a soft, flexible moleskin journal.
6. Subscription to the GrowthDay app: Brendon Burchard, best-selling author and high performance coach, has created a great phone app for daily motivation, goal setting, and performance evaluation. It's called the GrowthDay app. Your favorite business owner will gain a lot of insightful tips and strategies from Brendon and the group of successful coaches and influencers he assembled to inspire and teach us.
7. Dinner and live concert tickets: Business owners often work too hard and forget to build fun times into their lives. This can lead to burnout, so you can gift them some fun and help them with their health and wellness at the same time. Plan an evening out with dinner and a live concert. The other benefits are that they are spending quality time with you without having to do any of the planning. An important tip for success though...don't make it a surprise. Ask them what date and time is best for them and have them add it to their calendar. Then, you can take care of the rest!
8. Leadership book, "Grow a Pair of Antlers: The Fearless Climb to Lead Your Herd": Of course, no holiday gift list would be complete without my book on it :) "Grow a Pair of Antlers: The Fearless Climb to Lead Your Herd" is an easy read with inspiring stories that will help your favorite business owner lead their business with more Intention, Courage and Influence!
Of course, no holiday gift list would be complete without my book on it :) “Grow a Pair of Antlers: The Fearless Climb to Lead Your Herd” is an easy read with inspiring stories that will help your favorite business owner lead their business with more Intention, Courage and Influence!
CLICK HERE to give the gift of success to a Fearless Doe in your life!
CLICK HERE to give the gift of success to a Fearless Buck in your life!
I hope this holiday gift guide has given you some great ideas for the special small business owner in your life who inspires you!
Have a very happy holiday season! xoxoxo
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